Friday, August 24, 2012

Dino Art

Developing the Budding Picasso in Your Child
From  Age of  4 


Designed for all levels – beginner to experienced – the DinoArt program provides a unique opportunity for your child to learn fundamental artistic techniques combined with the fun-filled experience of true artistic expression.
Integrating the imagination with learning new techniques, we will teach your child how to make the ordinary extraordinary!
Students explore color, composition and a wide variety of materials. The DinoArt program blends artistic technique with authentic creativity, providing an educational experience for children thatinspires the artist within!

DinoArt is a progressive multi-level program where our students explore different art mediums, such as:

  • Colouring and shading
  • Sketching and drawing
  • Clay molding and design
  • Batik painting

Benefits that Last a Lifetime

Did you know that art develops a child’s creative thinking and problem-solving abilities?
Children love making things and this artistic outlet will foster more than just the creative aspects of development in children… 

it strengthens right-brain development, open-ended thinking, problem-solving, self-expression which leads to increasing your child’s self-esteem.

Artistic activity is a form of reasoning, communication and organization, drawing on abstract thinking and perception.  As our DinoArt artists create through drawing, painting and composing images, they stimulate and develop key cognitive functions essential in child development.
DinoArt offers significant benefits in child development including:

  • Develop creativity, conceptual thinking and spatial awareness
  • Improve focus and concentration
  • Improve problem solving
  • Academic benefits include attention to detail, multi-tasking
  • Strengthen dexterity and fine-motor skills
  • Improve social skills

Creativity through art stimulates mental acuity

Do you still remember how great it felt when as a youngster you drew or painted a picture of your house in the spring or a favourite pet? Why did that feel good? Because you were tapping into your creative self, where creative skills flowed through your mind, developing visual manifestations of abstract ideas. Creativity is an essential part of intelligence.

Children love making things and this artistic outlet will foster more than just the creative aspects of development in children – it strengthens right-brain development, open-ended thinking, self-expression and it will strengthen your child’s self-esteem.

Our brain is divided into two hemispheres. The left one is responsible for reading, writing, arithmetic and science, rational and analytical thought. And the right hemisphere controls imagination, visual and spatial perception. It is dominant in art, music and physical movement.
Children learn best when both sides of their brains are stimulated.  Art enrichment through DinoArt provides that type of stimulations that boosts brain-power.

Creativity in art is an important skill that is invaluable at school, work, and everyday life.

DinoArt Program Structure

  • Consists of 12 levels
  • Each level is approx. 3 months long
  • Weekly two-hour classes
  • Hands-on instruction of all techniques, step-by-step process demonstrations
  • No previous experience is required to join the program
  • Small class sizes lead by qualified instructors
  • Quality art materials

DinoArt – An interactive and hands-on art program

DinoArt students are trained in a variety of art techniques that include:
  • Composition and design
  • Object placement, perspective and depth
  • Colour combinations, values and harmony
  • Line rendering and merging
  • Rapid imaging
  • Image building
  • Texture building
  • Creating effects
  • Background creation

Contact UCMAS to Discover the Genius within Your Child!
Ucmas Satwa , Tel : 04-3854788
Mob : +9715 - 67041726  , 

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